Working with Door43 Git Service

Forking the repository

Before you begin working on creating or modifying files in one of the the Unlocked Grammar repositories, you will need to fork the project’s repository.

  1. Sign in to your Door43 account at
  2. Click Fork near the upper right-hand corner of the site.
  1. In the New Fork Repository window, keep the default Repository Name and Description and click on the Fork Repository button.


Once you have forked the repository, you will need to work from the files on your fork only. Once you have committed changes to a file on your fork and are ready to merge those those changes to the Master repo, you will need to create a Pull Request.

Assigning yourself to issues

We will be tracking progress for the Unlocked Grammar projects using Issues on the repo.

  1. On the master repository site, click on Issues to see open issues.
  2. Click on an unassigned issue that is marked for the current sprint.
  3. Click on Assignee to the right of the issue description and select your username.
  4. Click on Labels to add the blue “In Progress” label to that issue once you begin work on it.

Creating a Pull Request

When you have completed work on a file and are ready for it to be reviewed and merged to the master repository, you will need to create a Pull Request that will be reviewed by another team member before being merged to the master repo.

  1. On the master repository site, click on Pull Requests near the top of the page, then click on the New Pull Request button. The site will compare your fork with the master repository and show differences at the bottom of the page.
  2. Add a title and a description that explain the changes you want to merge to the master repository.
  3. Click Create Pull Request.

Merging a Pull Request

Pull requests will show up near the top of the main repository page.

  1. Click on Pull Requests to see what needs to be reviewed and then merged with the master repository.


Only review and merge content from another contributor, not your own content.

  1. View the file to review the content.
  2. If the content is accurate, merge the Pull Request with the master repository.

Closing Issues

After your Pull Request for an issue has been reviewed and merged into the master repository, you can mark your issue closed and remove the “In Progress” label from the issue.