

When we provide examples in an article we need to use the format below. Put the reference on its own line and then use a table that shows these four components:

  • the source text (Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic)
  • the SBL style transliteration
  • the literal/interlinear translation
  • the smooth translation

See the following example:

Scripture Reference

literal translation
smooth translation

See the Open Siddur transliteration page for help with Hebrew transliterations. You may also find the site helpful for both Hebrew and Greek translations.

Where possible, use the ULB for the smooth translation field.


  • Shewa/sheva/shwa/shva should be spelled “shewa”
  • Use the full name of various terms instead of abbreviations (e.g. write “infinitive construct” rather than “inf. cs.”)


  • Do not duplicate the glossary entry in the article entry
  • For the UHG and UAG, paradigms/charts should go in a folder named after what the chart displays. For example, a chart of the demonstrative pronouns could go in content/chart_demonstrative_pronouns/ For the UGG, at least initially, paradigms/charts will be placed in the content/paradigms folder with the name of the paradigm/chart that is displayed.


  • Wherever possible, use the actual Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek letters (whether vowels or consonants). If needed, you may put the name of the letter in parenthesis afterward.
  • Wherever possible, include vowels in Hebrew examples that are shown. Use the 3ms form of verbs to refer to the root or head entry of the verb.


  • If you are using the web editor then you don’t have to worry about font encoding, the editor will automatically make it unicode.
  • If you are writing locally then you must ensure that you are using unicode.
  • The font doesn’t matter at this point as display will be taken care of in the rendered output formats (PDF, translationCore, etc.).

Bible References

Since we are writing especially for translators, we’ll use the USFM book codes for references. As an example, use “GEN 3:10” as the reference for Genesis 3:10.

Use the standard English versification system (which is from the KJV) for referring to Scripture. If there is a variance with the original language versification system, provide that reference in parenthensis. For example, “MIC 5:1 (MIC 4:14 in Hebrew)”.